To view further details or the current status on any of the planning applications listed below, please visit:

Application Number: 79099
Site Address: Building on land at Langridge Farm Atherington Umberleigh Devon EX37 9HP
Description: Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to 3 dwellinghouses (Class Q (A and B))
Applicant: Mr K Pickard

Application Number: 78930
Site Address: Land at Angelhill Cross Bishops Nympton EX36 4PL
Description: Erection of new dwelling/cottage
Applicant: Mr James Arkless

Application Number: 79047
Site Address: The Roundhouse Port Cross South Molton EX36 4DX
Description: Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house (Class Q(a&b))
Applicant: Mr M Bushell

Application Number: 79153
Site Address: Land North West of Higher Shutescombe Farm Charles Brayford EX32 7PU
Description: Prior notification for erection of one agricultural building for the storage of fodder, machinery and equipment
Applicant: Mr and Mrs B McCreesh

Application Number: 79152
Site Address: Riverside House Newnham Bridge Umberleigh EX37 9EU
Description: Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 77868 (demolition of existing workshop building (following approval for conversion ref 77597) and erection of a detached dwelling house along with new access, amenity space, car parking and landscaping (amended description)) in respect of minor re-positioning of the proposed new house, reduction in footprint, amended fenestration, external materials (walls and roof) and inclusion of glazed section to covered veranda on south elevation
Applicant: Mrs J Glenister

Application Number: 78968
Site Address: Jubilee Inn West Anstey EX36 3PH
Description: Retrospective application for change of use from former public house and associated manager’s accommodation to 2 no. dwellings
Applicant: Miss Kaitlyn Sellar-Elliott

Application Number: 79125
Site Address: The Old Smithy Fortescue Drive Filleigh EX32 0FH
Description: Change of use from office to one residential dwelling
Applicant: Mazzard Investments Ltd

Application Number: 78804
Site Address: Lower Poole Farm Fore Street North Molton EX36 3HL
Description: Notice of application to modify a planning obligation under regulation 3 of the T & C P (modification & discharge of planning obligations) Regulations 1192 in respect of removal of affordable housing attached to planning permission 50080 (Residential development to provide 23 dwellings and off site highway works)
Applicant: FRP Advisory Ltd

Application Number: 79032
Site Address: Battery Box Bb01763 South Molton
Description: Construction of a micro energy storage facility
Applicant: AMP Clean Energy

Application Number: 79019
Site Address: Badlake Farm West Anstey EX36 3PE
Description: Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house (Class Q (A & B))
Applicant: Mr John Candish

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