To view further details or the current status on any of the planning applications listed below, please visit:
Application Number: 79096
Site Address: Bedport Poultry Farm Burrington EX37 9LE
Description: Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission 75220 (Demolition of an existing agricultural building and erection of 4 no. two storey houses with amenity space, car parking and landscaping) in respect of raising the roof by 300 mm, Aesthetic changes to the style of the property which include amended fenestration, re-positioning of PV panels and changes to the external materials and revised internal layout
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Georg van den Berg
Application Number: 79050
Site Address: Lower Biddacott Chittlehampton EX37 9PY
Description: Listed building works to replace the windows with hardwood timber framed windows with heritage ultra-thin vacuum glazing units in the exact design of the present windows, to be visually similar in all respects.
Applicant: Fiona Rew
Application Number: 78864
Site Address: Calvery Close Linhay East Knowstone EX36 4DY
Description: Change of use of barn to a holiday let, with associated works
Applicant: Mr Stanbury
Application Number: 78120
Site Address: Abbots Park Molland EX36 3NL
Description: Internal and external alterations to include removal of existing asbestos sheet roof covering and replacement with slate covering, installation of new rainwater gutter and down pipes and svp’s, removal of dormer window, installation of replacement windows and 2 No. Velux windows. Installation of solar panels to the outbuilding roof
Applicant: Ms Fiona Hadgett
Application Number: 78121
Site Address: Abbots Park Molland EX36 3NL
Description: Application for Listed Building consent for Internal and external alterations to include removal of existing asbestos sheet roof covering and replacement with slate covering, installation of new rainwater gutter and down pipes and svp’s, removal of dormer window, installation of replacement windows and 2 No. Velux windows. Installation of solar panels to the outbuilding roof
Applicant: Ms Fiona Hadgett
Application Number: 79044
Site Address: The Old Tannery East Street South Molton
Description: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 70262 & 70263 (Conversion of existing buildings to create 14 dwellings together with erection of 7 new dwellings and associated works) to allow change of design
Applicant: Mazzard Developments Ltd
Application Number:79093
Site Address: Substation Juniper Way Witheridge
Description: Retrospective application for erection of substation
Applicant: LGAH c/o Allison Homes